HillCity Foundation was inaugurated in March 2004 and registered in Nigeria in 2006 as a non-profit organization with a global goal to add value to lives.
The founder Engr. Obi Imemba discovered that the antisocial behaviors in young people are attributed to lives that are uninformed, unfocused, frustrated, hopeless and confused.

Hence he was compelled to take action, believing that every young person needs hope, love, care, direction, motivation and support, in order to discover, develop and deploy their potentials maximally.

The foundation has since its inception supported several hundreds of young people in Nigeria towards building a great, sustainable and fulfilling future.

In May 2019 Hillcity Foundation went international with the inauguration of HillCity Foundation Uganda on May 4th 2019.

Obi Imemba


People centered vision

People centered vision – concept of discovery, development and deployment of destinies.

Vision Inspired

We have passionate and vision inspired members/ volunteers/partners.

Personal Mentorship

HillCity Foundation mentors are personally involved in the lives of their protégé

Principle centered approach

We employ a principle-centered approach – all concepts and programs are built on infallible principles.

Target young lives

Our “4-Axis” of impact are targeted at affecting all facets of young lives. (Education, Mentorship, Self Discovery & Empowerment).

Bring your heart to the table

There are millions of young people in need of hope, mentorship and support. Add value to a life.